I've been talking about my 3D project for a while but haven't really shared anything.
So today I want you to meet the main hero of my 3D project, Maxwell Baguette.

This model was made and rendered today! Does that pearl look familiar? I got help with the material on Anim8or's official material page (chapter 9).

I have two projects. One is an 8-bit text based adventure,
DAMNATION: The Show Must Go On! and this one, the 3D one,
Beyond A Dream Come True.
I won't go into details yet, but Damnation is a horror/science fiction story and this one is a modern fairytale of sorts.
Maxwell himself has had many developments over the past 6 years! So to show that my model is and probably always will be a WIP, here's a his timeline so far...

Above was the very first model and render. Around 2008. Very stiff looking, I was getting the hang of Anim8or. Steve actually met Maxwell once through an email concerning several things about Anim8or. You'll be amazed...a lot of things Steve is updating as we speak...back then, it was only a dream to have such wonderful updates come to Anim8or. Later I saw there was a forum and now I can come here if I have any issues!

Above, you can see him starting to take his more modern shape...but not quite there. 2009.
I'm a little embarrassed about this one, actually...but it's important to take notes.

This is the same year, 2010, with a few tweaks. I call this one the "post-card render".

And this was for Halloween.

In 2013 he started taking his more current forum.

And at last, we're back to this.
It hasn't been the most educational or entertaining post, but practice makes perfect and I have to say, I'm proud of how far I've come.
As I complete more, I'll be happy to share. And once I have more information on my projects I'll be sure to fill you guys in.
Thanks for viewing. If you have any suggestions, by all means share them. I'm always looking for tips and pointers to make my models better!