Your latest image is definately improved by the last tweaks. Nice one.
Had a look at Mirandas'.
I like the picture, nice one Miranda, but can't help but comment on the difference between a picture of a 3D model and a standard 2D picture.
Even if you made yours a 'cartooney' type image, there would still be more apparent 'depth' and therefor 'realism' in the final pic?. (i'm assuming really, but probably not far from the truth).
And agree with
ENSONIQ5, and maybe consider a more detailed texture for the table top.
Regards seed that turned. Thanks for the comment. Glad you found it entertaining.
It was my longest video for some time, but then about 5 years ago i came up with 'Eart', which clocks in at just under 10 minutes.
(free plug for a video which i was never that happy with, lol)
Visiting your webpage is inspiring me to finish mine. (has been half done for several years)
Anyway, enough about that.
Nice Gouda
Mirandas has a mouse, which is also a nice touch.