going into its properties and copy and pasting it all into the other window
Nice one
cooldude That can actually work out quicker sometimes, especially when its a long way to scroll to activate a bounding box, and theres no room to expand the timetrack much.
So hopefully we might be able to see a copy and paste function for bones
You can definately copy and paste bone keys now, but only if a bounding box is showing around the figure. This could be a bug or small oversight that creates this little oddity...and maybe i should post something about it in the 'ongoing developement thread'..
Re the current system, it would only take a few things to improve it plenty.
(just being able to undock the timetrack onto another screen, and drag/rearrange-able content in the left hand side of the timetrack, would make a hugely cool improvement)
Don't actually know what steve has in mind here, but the way that its all set up presently, whether it be based on FK or IK, is a great setup.
The figure, sequence and scene mode thing is a really fine arrangement, and with a few tweaks and fixes here and there, has the potential, imho, to be quite outstanding in its 'únderstand-ability'/(ease of use), and common sense functionality
Not really wanting to get into an arguement here over IK vs FK, as IK would come out with more plus's, at the end of the day.
But when its all 'basically'
adding keyframes to poses/objects to imitate movement, Anim8or is actually doing it quite well.

Room for some improvements, but, so far...so good.