#098-043 - Multiple Modifier issues in properties dialog and copy/paste.
Fixed: v0.9.8 build 1127Fixed(additionals): Build 1137
A couple of latent Modifier hiccups.
Tested against build 1121.
1 minor.
1 show-stopper.
1 possible hidden minor.
Modifier, Bend, Copy and paste:
(v<= Create Modifier(Bend)
(Bind a cylinder that's sticking out a bit at the top and bottom of the modifier)- Set Bend to n>0.
(90)- Cut and Past the Modifier.
(Cylinder at one of the modifier sides sticking way to far out.)- Open Modifier Editor and close.
(OK or Cancel)* Modifier seems to collapses to height zero.
Modifier, Skew, Settings shift:
(Appears between: v0.9.8.1 & v0.9.8.1088)- Create modifier(Skew).
- Change modifier settings Skew
(1) and Angle
(45) + OK.
* Modifier is showing Skew 1, but not the Angle.
- Open Modifier Editor.
* Skew is now zero and Angle is now 1
(even if Angle was previous set to Zero).
Modifier, Skew, Copy and paste:
(v<=, up to still be there in 1121)- Create modifier(Skew).
- Change modifier settings Skew
(1) and Angle
(45) + OK.
- Cut and Paste the modifier.
* Skew settings where copied, but are not used anymore by the paste modifier.
(Modifier resets to normal behavior after changing its Type.)(Swell, Taper, Twist: Nothing out of the ordinary spotted.)*forcing full topic fix*