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Author Topic: question about bones  (Read 5741 times)


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question about bones
« on: November 09, 2014, 10:21:52 pm »

(I had to delete my previous thread and re-write it here, because I don't think I was exactly clear with what I was trying to achieve.)

I had just newly bought a human low-poly 3d model (from that was in the right shape but simply in the wrong pose: the figure had his hands spread out, when I'd like to bring it down to his sides. I realize that I would have to "morph" the object by altering his vertices, but that would take forever to do for this object.

Having said that, I read the section on bones in the anim8or pdf mannual and learned the bare basics of body components joined together and moved around through bones.

Would it be possible to use bones to "morph" my human model, even when he is already one un-separated object?
« Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 10:22:45 pm by JSmith_DumDumDumDumDum »


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Re: question about bones
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2014, 10:32:46 pm »

You should learn a bit about skeletal animation. Basically you build a skeleton of bones inside your 3d model and then assign points to the bones that should be moving them around. This is called skinning (more generally called rigging).


Skinning tutorial from FromSoySauce that might help you out. Learn something by searching Youtube for skinning and animation tutorials in Anim8or, there are plenty to choose from.


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Re: question about bones
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2014, 11:57:06 pm »

Why, thank you Raxx! That was very helpful!

I guess I just needed to know that it was called skinning; I just found a section called "Skinning" hidden within the pages of the 100-page manual. Nevertheless, the video you posted gave me an instant basic understanding of what I have to do.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2014, 06:59:45 pm by JSmith_DumDumDumDumDum »