Currently, when you rotate a set view [Left/Right, Top/Bottom] (with grid display active). The displayed grid orientation switches back to the [Front/Back] orientation.
This behaviour has as strong point that you always know how the grid is orientated when the view is not in one of the perpendicular view's.
(Although I'm not sure if that matters that much to most modellers.)I'm just a very general/noobie modeller. But in relation to the current displayed grid behaviour I sometimes fantasize about alternative behaviours. Including wondering if they might have any substantial benefits over the current system.
Idea 1: (Semi variable)
- The displayed grid orientation stays as is (for the current viewport), until a other [Front/Back, Left/Right, Top/Bottom] view is selected for that viewport.
Not to sure about Ortho view, but it could maintain/pick-up the current grid orientation for the current viewport.
Idea 2: (Auto variable)
- The orientation of the displayed grid changes, based on the viewing angle in the viewport.
Or, if you rotate a view from a Left-view towards a Top-view, The orientation of the displayed grid changes when the rotation passes a certain angle threshold.
(I figure this one has some critical aspects to make it work smoothly and to be useful, instead of being more of a hindrance.)As the general idea here is to have some optional variable orientation of the displayed grid.
Idea 3:
The most simple way to set/switch the grid orientation would probably be a general 'Default Grid Orientation' setting. Where you could set the orientation from the default [Front/Back] displayed grid orientation to one of the other two.
(Although I figure a more integrated+smooth behaviour here would work better. Provided there are any substantial benefits to it in the first place.)PS: I don't have any real solid experiences with other modellers, and how or what they do in relation to this subject. Feel free to add your experiences on the subject if you have them.
(I do have Blender, but eye-balling its beautiful UI is just about the most I did with it.)Main reason for writing this ... was writing and thinking about it.