Hello guys.
I have been using anim8tor for the last few months.It's a great modelling tool,which allows me to make my models for my computer game.
So...I have been making my animations slowly in the Object mode,by using the rotate and move functions in the edit toolbar.However I found a faster way to make my objects using a program called GLXtractor,which can export my models from Figure menu,which I can modify using multi-bone skinning.
The problem is that I can't get that multi-bone skinning to work and didn't find much help in the manual and youtube.So i did the bone influence and the weight skinning,but the part of the mesh still won't move with the bone.
I need somebody to explain me how to use those bones in anim8tor or give me a tutorial,that might help me learn it.
Here is also my first attempt,I hope that it would help you check out faster what I am doing wrong:
http://nitrobits.com/file/NPvWTISZfN51es7/first_attempt.an8-Thank you,Darknessspliter