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Author Topic: Multi-bone skinning help request. :)  (Read 5202 times)


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Multi-bone skinning help request. :)
« on: July 15, 2014, 04:36:44 am »

Hello guys.
I have been using anim8tor for the last few months.It's a great modelling tool,which allows me to make my models for my computer game.

So...I have been making my animations slowly in the Object mode,by using the rotate and move functions in the edit toolbar.However I found a faster way to make my objects using a program called GLXtractor,which can export my models from Figure menu,which I can modify using multi-bone skinning.

The problem is that I can't get that multi-bone skinning to work and didn't find much help in the manual and youtube.So i did the bone influence and the weight skinning,but the part of the mesh still won't move with the bone.

I need somebody to explain me how to use those bones in anim8tor or give me a tutorial,that might help me learn it.

Here is also my first attempt,I hope that it would help you check out faster what I am doing wrong:

-Thank you,Darknessspliter ;)
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 04:37:59 am by Darknessspliter »


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Re: Multi-bone skinning help request. :)
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2014, 12:03:22 pm »

Hello, Nice start, Have you used another program to build that as there are some Tri`s in the mesh.

I have uploaded a Figure(Skeleton) that is attached to your Human.

It will most probably need adjusting,. Notice that there are three bones attached to the Root Bone Scissor1, Scissor2 and Newroot

Your Figure is attached to the Newroot bone so when you come to use the multi bone skin switch you should click that bone, Use painted weights then have some fun with it .

The reason why your model would`nt work is because you had not weight painted it  some of the axis had not been set.  I painted the bone that had joint limits applied and it now works.... You will only be able to see your hard work of him moving in the sequence editor

see  this is my article on rigging an object or character in Anim8or
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 12:44:09 pm by kreator »


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Re: Multi-bone skinning help request. :)
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2014, 01:29:18 pm »

Thank you kreator for your fast reply and your help.Now I see how I should use those bones.The model that I used actually isn't mine,because I didn't plan to create the human model when I started then game.However now I have to start all the animations again in order to use a Game Maker function from the extension "D3d_load_model_fast" called d3d_model_merge(which make the animations smooth) so I am going to create my own model for the body,because the one I used didn't match my face,which I would like to put on my character.

Here is also a link for the extension for those,who are interested: