I've noticed that while rendering anything that normally takes a long time, anim8or will switch to Not responding, and only after the render is done will anim8or start responding again.
Now this may be b/c I'm using vista but I'm not sure.
I always make sure to save my work before rendering a medium or large sized scene, b/c if anim8or locks up. Either it won't work anymore or I'll have to wait for it to finish not even knowing what its up to b/c the preview render is frozen.
My graphics card is a Nvidia GetForce 8600 GT
I was told that it was a very good graphics card So I don't know mabye this is the problem
Edit: this has not been happening just in 0.97, but 0.95 also
Also while we're on the topic of rendering, if you set the render preview to off, will the render go faster.
Edit: I tried it and I didn't see a signifigant amount of difference in the timing of the render.
And another question, if you were to go to the process of anim8or in task manager, and set the priority to a higher priority than normal, will anim8or go faster.
I tried it, but I wasn't really sure if there was a change in render time or not. I'll try recording the times the next time I do it.
Quote from Steve.
"What graphics card do you have? This is most certainly a driver problem, possible a badly designed driver. That's exctly why I added the ability to turn off renders."