Steve, your quandary is what was troubling me for a while now. Ctrl, Shift, and Alt are very useful but also very precious. I think it's great having Ctrl as paint-select, it's worth having. Alt for arc rotate is a no-brainer, in my opinion, as it's already been invaluable to me. For the shift key...I think the gridsnap relative/global deal can be a Options->Grid setting. This would free it up for more high-demand uses for Shift, such as alternate functionality for tools, or to toggle a more sophisticated Snap functionality available to all tools.
I agree with the 3-button mouse requirement. This is production software so it's not unreasonable. Also, there are programs that'll let a user define a keyboard key as a middle click (heck, it's easy to program it using autohotkey).
Johnar, the point of having Alt to toggle Arc Rotate is its quick accessibility and rapid, intuitive, usage. Traditionally: Right-hand on the mouse, left hand on the left side of the keyboard. Once you're used to using Alt, you'll be using it
all the time without having to think about it, especially if you're doing in-depth work. Personally, I use it every couple of seconds during modeling sessions that last up to 3-4 hours. We're talking thousands of hits--and I use it a lot when rigging and animating too.
It might be about time for a fundamental addition to the UI/process in Anim8or. Anim8or is getting sophisticated to the point where non-beginner/high-level/low-demand stuff will begin crowding the basic workflow, yet still needs to be there and quickly accessible to the advanced users.
Here are some ideas:
- Right-click buttons for context menus that give more options.
- Right-click buttons and toggle a different alternate function or "mode" for that button--changes that button's appearance to reflect the change
- Keyboard shortcut that pops up a context menu (radial would be interesting) on the cursor--context-sensitive obviously. Like if the move tool was active, if the menu pops up then there'd be options pertaining to the move tool
- Have a slide-out panel on the right-hand side for advanced options, parameters, and information--that changes based on the selected tool and selected workspace elements. Basically, similar to what nearly all other programs are doing
So...I don't know about others, but my left-hand thumb is always on Alt or nearby it. Food for thought: Spacebar is right next to Alt. I consider it a candidate modifier key for, say, the context-menu stuff I mentioned above. Space is currently used to clear the selection, yes, but single-clicking in empty space could be implemented to clear the selection instead.
Just my two cents