Major changes for build 1101:
Menu "Folders" for Objects, Figures, Sequences, Scenes: You can group Objects, Figures, etc. into sub-menus. Simply set the name of a virtual "folder" in the Object->Properties dialog.
Settings menus moved: All of the Settings menus functionality has bee moved into Object->Properties, Figure->Properties, etc.
User definable Movie FPS: You can set the default for movie frames per second and the Limit Playback values for new projects.

...also, i see Edit -> Delete Object is now Object -> Delete, etc, which you forgot to mention. could i make one more (perhaps slightly finnicky) suggestion on that point? personally, i'd shuffle Delete a couple of places down, underneath Attributes, maybe with a separator in between just to make it stand out from the rest of the list and prevent accidental clicking.
i'm liking the snap-to-angle thing in 1097 as well. can see myself leaving that turned on near-permanently. although, a couple of nitpicks again: there's still only one snap-to toggle button on the toolbar even though there are now two separate snap-to settings, and snap-to-angle doesn't seem to share the shift+click-to-toggle-relative-values behaviour that snap-to-grid now has...
If a folder exists it should appear in the properties of other objects so they can be assigned that folder.
little drop-down thingy, kinda like what happens with materials in the Cylinder Editor, Sphere Editor, etc dialogues. i'll second this motion.
i'm going to have to embark on some ambitious new CGI short film project or something, to make use of all these improvements! now, where did i leave my scriptwriting hat?