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Author Topic: Minor Bug Report - Duplicate faces  (Read 7287 times)

Water Music

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Minor Bug Report - Duplicate faces
« on: December 18, 2013, 09:46:34 pm »

Sorry I haven't had much time to play around with the new version until now. So far it's looking good but I have come across one odd change:

1. take a mesh
2. copy and paste that mesh over itself
3. Join solids
4. merge overlapping points
result: the vertices merge, but there are two instances of each face. In previous versions they used to collapse down to one face.

Not a big deal, but I thought I'd bring it up just in case. I only see it because I tend to copy meshes, cut away large portions to do detail work on specific areas, and then reattach.

And thanks for updating the program, by the by. I do appreciate the work you've put into it.