An Anim8or FishBy Kreator
To make a fish something like the one shown, open up Anim8or and make sure your workspace is in LEFT view
(keypad 4).
Select Point/edit mode
(keystroke shift/p) then select the "add edge" icon.
(In the menubar make sure in File/Configure UI that smooth outlines and Smooth points are checked else you may not see anything appearing)
Move the mouse to a suitable position in the workspace for the fishes mouth, Hold down the shift key the click the left mouse button whilst holding down the shift key and drag out an edge.
When you have drawn an edge you can release the shift key. You can now create additional edges to create the outline profile of the fishes body.
Still using the connect edge connect the outer edge as the image below ( ensure that as they are connected the point to be connected turns red. Also make sure each of your edges create a four sided box (Quad)
One you have completed joining all the edges you can fill the edges using either "Fill Holes" in the menubar under Edit or a easier option is to use the keystroke Shift/j .... If they should turn Blue use the keystroke option Shift/n to flip them to Yellow.
Select each vertical edge on the topside of the Fish body then use edit/connect edges or use Keystroke j. Do exactly the same for the bottom vertical edges.
Select all the centre edges of the fishes body, then switch to top view (Keypad 2)Select move (Keystroke m) and drag out the edges to the left.
Revert to Left View and now select both the upper and lower edges that we created with the connect edges tool.
Switch to top view (Keypad 2)Select move (Keystroke m) and drag out the edges to the left.Move these slightly out but do not move them further than the inital centre edges that were moved earlier.
Switch Now to Front View and have object mode enabled (Keystroke Shift/a) and select the fish body.
We are now going to mirror the object, so go to menubar/Build/Mirror Image.
Select as per the above screenshot and click Ok
Now we have to adjust the new object that we have added so click anywhere to turn both objects off and then click the new one that has been made,you will want to move the new object out until the two outlines are just touching then move it again so there is a miniscule gap. Now have both objects selected then go to Menu/Build.Convert to Solids.
Both objects will now become one, But we must connect the points, so select point mode and use drag select Keystroke d to highlight the top points as shown in the next screenshot.
Use shift/L to hightlight the Merge points requester and use the default 0.50 as the merge ratio if the points do not merge
then adjust the ratio higher ( Use ctrl/z to undo your previous commands)
Now Do exactly the same for the bottom set of Points.
Once you have completed this your Fish should look something like this