a good way to create characters, by dividing them into sections. It also breaks down the complexity of uv mapping which is essential to elevate the quality of an object/character
Nice one
Blick Fang Hi there.

A thought or 2 about creating multiple characters. Whichever way you decide to build your characters, from the many 'character modelling' tuts on line, it'll really depend of the amount of time you want to spend modelling 'multiple' characters.
One trick is to build a character you are happy with, and then add the right morph targets to change his/her appearance. (fatter cheeks, smaller ears, bigger nose, higher temple, etc...)
Copy and paste as another object, change the clothes and hair and name, and you have another actor. (from the same original model) A trick to that trick is, make all your basic morphs, like speech and blink etc, on your 1st model before you copy it to make a second person. That way, all those morphs will already be there on the second person. (you can later copy the rig as well).
But, its like i said b4, it'll really depend of the amount of time you want to spend modelling 'multiple' characters., and what you want to do with them
I don't want to rave, so will stop there,

Good luck with this.