I just uploaded a new Anim8or (v0.97f) with the following fixes:
- Fix 097e-101 - Incompatible with Windows-XP.
- Fix 097e-102 - Requires MSVCR110.DLL to run.
- Fix 097e-103 - Add edges to a mirrored object when the end point is an axis point duplicates the point.
- Fix 097e-104 - Select orphans can leave on point unselected.
- Fix 097e-105 - Viewing OpenGL info crashes.
- Fix 097e-106 - Adding edge as new mesh (shift-click-drag) crashes.
- Fix 097e-107 - Add Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 to OS Information dialog.
- Fix 097e-108 - Knife tool does not cut all the way on the mirrored side, when starting from a point.
- Fix 097e-109 - UVs do not get mirrored when using the Texture UV tool.
- Fix 097e-110 - Mirrored Mesh: Subdividing a face of a mirrored mesh in the point editor crashes.
(Was: When manipulating the added mesh data within a subdivided face
(Edit->Subdivide Faces), erroneous results occur.)
- Fix 097e-111 - Subdivision Mesh: When 0 working divisions, stays non-shaded when in point edit mode,
regardless of shading mode.
- Fix 097e-112 - Materials: If the specular and emissive factor isn't change from the default,
then it doesn't get saved in the .an8 file even when a texture is applied to that channel.
- Fix 097e-114 - Add Edge tool: Starting a new mesh with the Add Edge tool (by shift-click-dragging) causes crash.
- Fix 097e-115 - Convert to Mirror: Edges not in faces are lost when converting a Mesh to a Mirrored Mesh.
Also added automatically convert parametric objects into a mesh.
- Fix 097e-116 - User Interface: Vertical Resize Bar: Behaves erratically when click-dragging it.
- Fix 097e-117 - Sequence data fails to save: Sequences save as empty keyframes in the file.
- Fix 097e-118 - Sequence data from older versions fails to reload properly.
- Fix 097e-121 - Splash Screen: Mode->Object comand crashes when initial project is loading.
I have not fixed these known issues yet but I am working on them:
#097e-113 - Bevel tool: destroys UVs of surrounding faces.
#097e-119 - Morph Targets: Do not work with Mirrored Meshes.
#097e-120 - Background images: Appear dark in the workspace and when using the opengl renderer.
There are also a couple of minor new things:
- Add option to restore window position in next session.
- Enhance face properties dialog to show more information.
You can download a copy here:
Anim8or v0.97f XP Compatible Preview!!!!!!!!!!! I fixed the link (again!) My web-site editor and I don't always agree on where files should be
