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Author Topic: Feature Request Thread  (Read 444964 times)


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Re: Feature Request Thread
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2013, 09:56:27 am »

I've got another request that shouldn't be too hard to implement maybe : uniform bevel instead of proportional to the poly the edge is aligned to. In most cases the bevel has to be at an angle between the two polies, instead of having the new edges at a % down the length of the poly. Right now it takes a lot of adjusting to get the bevels to all look the same, especially on a bigger model.

Maybe a picture says more:
(first one is how anim8or bevels now, second one would be nice as it bevels the same amount on both sides, making for an equal bevel)


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Re: Feature Request Thread
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2013, 01:48:16 pm »

Ok, I added your new feature requests.

polyGon_tError, could you elaborate a little more about your first request? (spin tool)

Also, there's no guarantee that Anim8or v0.97 will retain such dependencies. The Pre-Beta is just a development preview.


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Re: Feature Request Thread
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2013, 01:59:19 pm »

Hey CrashDrive, the widget thing has already been suggested by polyGon_tError, and I already suggested proportional editing which kind of encompasses radial selection. Otherwise I added the other requests to the list.


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Re: Feature Request Thread
« Reply #18 on: May 31, 2013, 02:08:45 am »

Hey so it's Christmas and we get to ask for presents?

Okay I am a bad person and have been using Carrara for my modelling (simple stuff) as Anim8or hasn't run on my machine till the latest update (thanks Steve)

In Carrara these two I would consider to be very important. They make life easier, believe me.
Without them modelling in Carrara would be crap. It doesn't even have a knife tool, can you believe it?

•Proportional Editing: With proportional editing turned on, manipulations affect geometry in a radius (that can be changed numerically and usually adjusted with the mouse wheel or pgup/pgdwn, arrow keys, whatever) around the point, edge, or face that's being moved, scaled, or rotated. The sphere of influence typically has a falloff curve. (Raxx)
•Manipulate based on center of selection: Option to scale or rotate based on the selection's center rather than the mesh's pivot point (polyGon_tError)

Have you seen Poser 2014? They have a new fitting room where one mesh shrinks to another mesh. :o
Also with their morphing tools you have a choice of pulling pushing etc in regard to the normal of the polys or the screen direction.
With this tool you can also select a target mesh where you can push/pull the mesh you are operating on in the direction of the target mesh

my suggestions.

1) a tool where one mesh shrinks to another mesh. The user gets to determine the degree of separation if any between the meshes.
2) a morphing tool which is similar to Raxx's Proportional Eding tool that lets you push/pull polygons toward or away, relative to either the screen surface or a polygon's normal direction.

My ideas sound like a lot of work and they would be just icing on the cake of what is already a great modelling program.


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Re: Feature Request Thread
« Reply #19 on: May 31, 2013, 11:14:11 am »

thank you Raxx,
to make you clear about Spin-tool related request, i need some time because i am already on my way to implement this and made a simple tool called ReWind-polyGon tool with the same function.
thank you again to say that the dependency will not be there.
Raxx, i am giving +1 to any ASL related request for Command and Scene Scripting.

i have few more request:
* vertex-color paint like we do with bone-weight-brush.
* sculpt push/pull of vertex instead of the Move-Vertex-Along-Normal will be more worthy.
   ( also the same way like bone-weight-brush. )
* HDRI image output of ART-RayTracer.
* AVI and/or GIF animated image as map/texture.
* post-processing of render output by ASL ( it will be slow but possible ).
* attachable plugin system for anim8or, will be working by c++.
* easy access to Script collection, in it we press a key and select one from a list of script on screen.

i also wished getting user input by ASL in command script, this make it possible to build big complex script.

i am putting all as request for ASL from my this post ( about ASL ).
   ( it is up to you Raxx which will be here in this post. )
"Learning ASL: want to contribute? thing's might be helpfull to know about" :
   ( "" )

i am giving +/-1 (again up to you to decide) for *'$imon' "Bridge-Edges" request:
1. Bridge Edges between two edge simply give us something like ribbon.
   correct request will be between two edge-line or edge-loop.
2. i have already posted the edge-merge tool with texture, material support.
   "Advanced Modeling Tool-Set ( now 24+ last Update: 28.05.2013 )" :
   ( "" )
*$imon please don't mind, if you need that tool try this one then ask me. i will post what you wished also if any body ask for it ( at least give me a "PM" ), you are not required to wait for it. see the attached image.

« Last Edit: June 01, 2013, 10:05:03 am by polyGon_tError »


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Re: Feature Request Thread
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2013, 11:40:34 am »

Ok, I added the feature requests the best I could.

Headwax, you can already move points along the normal by middle-clicking. Combined with the proportional editing feature request, that would just about deal with your #2 request there. Do you want to +1 the proportional editing request instead? As for your #1 request, it can be done via ASL and would probably be faster implemented if you requested it in the scripts request thread in the ASL board ;) If you still want it in the feature requests, let me know.

polyGon_tError, there is a limit of 4 "+1"s per Tier per person, you'll have to specify which command/scene ASL requests you'd like to +1.


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Re: Feature Request Thread
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2013, 05:17:28 pm »

As for your #1 request, it can be done via ASL and would probably be faster implemented if you requested it in the scripts request thread in the ASL board If you still want it in the feature requests, let me know.

Good point, there I was getting them mixed up! Oh we better have it in the asl scripts request board then :)
I'd love to see anim8or standing head to head with Poser2014 in the shrinkwrap dept.
What a stir that would cause at Smith Micro



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Re: Feature Request Thread
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2013, 04:49:57 pm »

If I could beg for a single ASL update for the next preview, it would be member function(s).

Here's why:

It would be a work-around for most of the other items on the scripting wish-list. 
(1) One could read and write Anim8or project files allowing one to do particle animation, fluid dynamics, and physics by generating objects and morph targets and scene object placement and controller values, and so much more!
(2) One could simulate parameter passing between scripts
(3) Custom import filters

Once a ability exists, the only thing needed to have robust access to all of Anim8or's modes would be the ability to trigger another script's execution from within a script.  (more begging here)  Even the simplest implementation would be sufficient: completely terminate the original script and begin execution of the requested script.  The file read/write functions can be used to simulate user defined functions ability.

Those two additional functions - and script.execute - would open the door to the development of libraries of script functions like physics, walk sequences, mouth movement, lip synch, etc.

If I could beg for another:

I would like to request that an "object script" controller be added in scene mode with access to the scene variables of time,  frame, and other scene controllers.  If this were done, the full range of physics would be possible in Anim8or!



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Re: Feature Request Thread
« Reply #23 on: June 04, 2013, 05:58:43 am »

Wow, theres a real impressive list building up here, and some excellent ideas.
 Will put some more voting in when i have a little more time, but for now, in tier 1 figure mode, i would like to +1 crashdrives "resize objects that are attached to bones".
 I would also be 'first in line' to +1 all 3 functions mentioned above by NickE.
 ASL updates for the next preview,
 +1 for function. 
 +1 script.execute function
(would they be tier 2, misc?)
 and a +1 for "object script" controller  in scene mode with access to the scene variables of time,  frame, and other scene controllers. (tier3 scene mode?)
 I'm a real 'end user' with no programming talents, but these 3 new functions sound like they would really take Anim8or forward in Huge leaps and bounds.
 Nice one NickE. :)



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Re: Feature Request Thread
« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2013, 06:24:54 am »

tier 3.
Addition of audio track for syncing to animation in scene mode.
not expected to be part of the render.


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Re: Feature Request Thread
« Reply #25 on: June 04, 2013, 08:37:13 pm »

A quick note to  captaindrewi
 Nice idea. I'm in the habit of using 'Magpie pro' for lipsyncing, and using a pen and paper to note the frames.
 However, with some tweaking, you can do this...(image below)
 Magpie has no 'always on top' setting, so it disappears to bottom every time you click in Anim8or, but thats not necessarily a bad thing. Just takes a click to bring it back.

 Edit:  Hav posted more info in general forum
« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 11:22:34 pm by johnar »


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Re: Feature Request Thread
« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2013, 01:11:38 am »

Ok, most of your requests were put on the list, and +1'ed the ones applicable.

NickE, while I agree that file reading/import functionality would widen the range of Anim8or's capabilities quite a bit, personally I'm a bit tired of workarounds, as I regularly had to use them with RIBRobin and PHUR (for example, the only way I could pass parameters between the shape scripts were to embed them in their own UV coordinates to be read by other shapes). I think setAttribute functionality would be a better solution for your #2 reason.

Also, before I put the "object script" controller request up there, could you explain on it a little bit more?


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Re: Feature Request Thread
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2013, 07:14:22 am »

The file write ability has many, many more uses than just passing parameters (like writing entire an8 files), plus setting an attribute is not going to let you pass anything large like arrays. 

An object script controller would be a scene controller like position, orientation, or morph, but allow one to run object scripts while in scene mode where the object script would have access to scene mode variables like time or frame and access to the other scene's objects controllers.  I have written fluid simulation and other "physics" scripts that run in object mode.  To use them in scene mode requires quite the workaround to render them.  Please see this thread:



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Re: Feature Request Thread
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2013, 10:35:52 am »

I'm aware of the other uses. I'm trying to say that reading and writing entire .an8 files from within Anim8or just to create workarounds is ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as having to write entire third-party programs to do simple things ;) Not to mention if you're going to use it for dynamic variable swapping between elements, seems like a good way to tax your harddrive. Also, you can pass arrays (Edit: if setAttribute was implemented) using attributes nearly as easily as the way you'd be able to pass arrays via a text file.

Like I said before, I agree it'd widen Anim8or's range of capabilities, and if it were implemented I probably would use it for workarounds, but I don't think it's something we should focus on and run rampant with. If all we have is a mess of scripts to do things rather than it being Anim8or's capabilities, then we're taking away from Anim8or and making it feel like something worse than Blender.

Anyway, that's just my opinion. I added your object script controller request and +1'ed it for Johnar.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 04:08:52 pm by Raxx »


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Re: Feature Request Thread
« Reply #29 on: June 06, 2013, 07:35:48 am »

In the material editor, is it possible to code a toon line feature, for individual or group objects. The idea is, we can have colour and thickness of a toon line around any object.
2d is still  very popular in advertising, TV cartoons and web graphics.
It is possible to create a toon lines in anim8or and it works really well, but we have to double the mesh.
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