If the Anim8or Scripting Language allowed for spline manipulation, I'd have made you a tool to reset all of the Z-Coords to 0 already. Otherwise some fancy RegEx in Notepad++ could fix your problem automatically, if you want to go the route of editing the .an8 file after each modification.
Now, this may be a foolish observation, but it seems that if you correct a problematic Z-Coord in the .an8 file, save it, and edit it, there's less chance of the Z-Coords acting up again. I could be wrong.
Lastly, there is B_Twist's E_Track plugin (located in the
ASL Database), where you can make the spline paths out of regular edges and points, but it's somewhat unpredictable with sharp corners.
Steve drops by the forum to clean up the spammer mess fairly often. My moderator powers are limited to post management, so I shove the ugliness into a corner until he can deal with the source of the problem. Whether he actively reads the posts of the users or not, I can't say.
As for his plans on updating Anim8or, he's certainly planning on it, and has done work for the next version. In order to add certain new features, he's having to completely reorganize the internal data structures, which is a fairly large task. He plans on moving the dialog boxes to sidebars similar to how most other 3D software handles it, auto mirroring, and a few other features I promised not to tell

Steve doesn't have a lot of free time right now, so all we can really do is wait like we have been waiting, and hope Anim8or gets its due attention.