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Author Topic: figure settings not removed from file when object is deleted  (Read 11366 times)


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figure settings not removed from file when object is deleted
« on: March 28, 2008, 06:59:15 am »

I've noticed that if you have an object rigged to a figure using painted wieghts and then later on delete the object all the settings for rigging the object are still in the file. This can be checked in two ways:

1) When you open the file it give the error message

"There are 1 missing items. Do you want to see what they are?" and when you click 'Yes' you get this message Missing object 'person' in named object 'namedobject01'

2) if you open up the *.an8 file with wordpad you can see all these settings taking up a lot of space in the file.

While it is anoying that you keep getting these error messages every time you open the file the problem is that the file size can get quite large if it happened to be a high detail objet you deleted. I've tested this out a few times and I've got a file 1MB in size that has no objects in the file.


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Re: figure settings not removed from file when object is deleted
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2008, 10:20:53 am »

The problem is the figure still exists; you have deleted the "body" of the figure, but you still have all the bones and all the settings... And the bones want their body back :)

If you create a figure and you want to get rid of it, select the figure in Figure mode and click Edit>Delete Figure... than you can delete the object too and you won't get any error messages....


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Re: figure settings not removed from file when object is deleted
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2008, 08:53:13 pm »

It that how you do it, I just open up the .an8 file and edit it


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Re: figure settings not removed from file when object is deleted
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2008, 03:05:27 am »

But I want to keep the figure and all of its sequences, that way I can just remove the object, add an new one rig it onto the figure and have all of my sequences allready set up. It saves a lot of time this way, also I am using anima8or to make sprites for in a game and the sequences tend to be the same for each model.

Also I'm not sure what parts to delete in wordpad


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Re: figure settings not removed from file when object is deleted
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2008, 01:31:23 am »

(In notepad) look for something called namedobject01, name {namedobject01, and material { -- default -- , delete them
Also, just in case, you might want to make 2 copies and edit one (just in case the edited one stuffs up) :(

Anim8or has to really learn to deal with loss better (hint, hint Steve ;))


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Re: figure settings not removed from file when object is deleted
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2008, 05:50:59 pm »

Objects are referenced by name in a Figure.  Anim8or doesn't remove the reference in a Figure when you delete an Object so that you can substitute another Object without having to redo all the settings.