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Author Topic: Anybody familiar with the XSI Mod Tool version 6 or 7.5?  (Read 4783 times)


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Anybody familiar with the XSI Mod Tool version 6 or 7.5?
« on: September 28, 2012, 06:41:15 am »

I've been playing around with both of them and found I can export X models out to 3D Exploration for use with Battlezone 2 Combat Commander after converting them to XSI version 1. I'm also doing something similar with GMAX as well. Just thought I'd share this with visitors looking for information about modeling options for BZII model creation.

Anim8or can to some extent be used for model creation with Raxx's XSI and X exporter scripts, but has several severe limitations due to a lack of animation and proper object linking for BZII models.