Yeah. The game is going to be a first person point and click non-linear game, constructed using Adventure Maker (the only programming needed with such sufficient softyware is the use of variables - giving values to certian images, sounds, vids, etc, so that puzzles work). Still, it will take a long time coding a whole game ...
I think i can manage , as long as i stay enthusiastic about it all

Im composing some music as well for the game, so there are areas, other than designing the graphics (which i know raent as good as Riven, due to the software im using) that will be fun to endevour in. If i was using Bryce or 3D Studio max, then the renderer might result in even beter realims, but im more familiar with anim8or atm.
Yeah. Too manby cut scenes would get annoying ... I remember in Dragon Lore II, the cut scenes were painfully and damn right annoyingly slow. In Reh, hoiwever, they were much faster. If the transition is fast, it might not be so annoying ... Though still, theres the issue about file size ... REAH and DRAGON LORE 2 came on 5 CDs!
Textures come down to experiementation most of the time. As this scene is set at daylight, then i have added higha mbience and high diffuse to a lot of the textures ... Though after everythings modelled, i will go through every model and alter the textures (down to the brilliance, etc) just to be satisfied and get the most out of my models. Realism is the key. High polygon images, however, rendered at 4.000 soft shadow RayTrace take forever to render! Far too long! Once It took me a day and a night to render a really detailed high polygon/subdivided model! Wish the renderer would pick up speed now and again

Thanks for the comments

I cant weait to add the sea ... In Adventure Maker, theres an effect you can add which makes water ripple (you can set the size of the waves, the speed, etc) Will be quite exciting

Im currently taking position shots and using the free version of ADventure Maker to test game the screens, etc. I think i will have to compress the images, of course. File size isd always a priority ... Does anyone know of any good compressors??