Just a shout out to any new folks who might have found this site and amazing program! You've come to the right place if you are new to computer 3D modelling and/or animating and looking for a program to get you started. First, let me say that this wonder program is free! No money! Its yours to make stuff! Tap into that inner artist that screams to be released!
What Anim8or will do for you:* Give you a taste of the 3D modelling and anim8ing
* Give you an appreciation of what is involved in 3D modelling and anim8ing
* Give you a complete healthy rush when you render your first model and/or anim8ion
* Will help you determine in a relatively short time if 3D modelling and anim8ing is for you
* Make you $ (I took first place in a contest and won cash shortly after grasping key Anim8or concepts; not kidding!)
What Anim8or won't do for you:* Make a Pixar type movie. Even if you had Maya or 3ds, you could not do that alone, so please keep that in mind!

* Your chores
I have it running on Win XP SP 3, Vista and Win 7 and its fun!
If you have any questions ask! Despite what anyone says, there is a
new breed of Anim8ors here that are willing to help!