Hey guys nate here. As I have seen that the new Anim8or has come out and my dreams have come true to an extent I have came up with a small lighting render. Although no matter how many times I refer to it as small it took my pile of junk nearly 3 hours to render.

Any way heres the render. Any way as you can see its a nifty looking render test. Now do note that I rendered it with only 4 samples and the Regular Sampling Method. My computer probably would have taken a week to render it with the 25 sample rate that you can plug in there...

Any way the point of this render and light test is to see if the Ray tracing engine "ART" can render a massive light distribution in a small scene. To do this massive light distribution I assumed the idea like it would occur in real life. If possible, that is as well. So as you can see there is a transparent sphere in the center of the room. This was planed to distribute the light around the room and to have the surrounding objects still recieve the light as well. So I crammed a local light inside of my clear ball with a Kr of 1.33 (glass) Trans of .1 and Rough of 10000. Then I stuffed it all into a huge elongated box, flipped normals and added a few pretty balls for good measure...
Ok, well lets see what happened. As you can see the upper half of the image looks to as if it might have worked. But the lower half it dark? Hmmm, pondered me after getting home from work after the 3 hour render... Lets take a deeper look. Another thing you might also realize is that the room that all of our friendly objects are in is a bit reflective. I did this because everything in the world has a small amound of reflective value. And yes I know that that is a bit much... Just a test do note... Any way everything seemed to go to plan and then I also notice the deformed shadowing on the upper half. Mainly right near the Dielectric sphere. Any way maybe this can be some help to you Steve. I dont really know how. Or Im just a bit worn out from work today. If any one wants any more info just comment.