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Author Topic: I'm working on an XSI export script modifying Raxx's BZII X exporter script.  (Read 56090 times)


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Turns out the issue with the texture was related to the one I was using. I went into MS Paint and created a new 512x512 bmp and saved that and applied that to my Tank model and exported this with Raxx's XSI exporter and wala my model texture now shows on the model in BZII. The issue may have been related to BZII requiring all textures be squared in powers of two?

Now the issue seems to be how to link models parts together properly. Anim8or, currently can export a single group of objects, but BZII needs several groups, so that is the next issue to resolve. Here's a screen grab of the model with texture in the BZII map editor.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2012, 11:37:53 am by lppena »


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 ;) One interesting side note is that a Blender 2.62 user named Kbarter ported an old XSI exporter made for Blender 2.42. The original script exports a version 1 XSI model. My thanks to the both of you for taking the time to help out some weary BZII model makers. PS: Another user named Tsvetan also created an XSI exporter for GMAX/3DS as well. I mostly posted this additional information for wandering Battlezone 2 Combat Commander model and prop makers. Including Raxx's original XSI exporter there are now 3 different scripts depending on what software you happen to prefer. Visit my modleling forum to get a copy of any or all of them. Various XSI exporters for BZII by some very cool people. My humble thanks to each and every one of you folks.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2013, 12:16:19 pm by lppena »
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