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Author Topic: Is there a way to recenter the axes in Anim8or?  (Read 6604 times)


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Is there a way to recenter the axes in Anim8or?
« on: June 11, 2012, 07:17:40 am »

I notice when I edit the mesh objects like recaling the axes get off center in the object itself and the resulting exported model looks strange afterwards. In Truespace there is a feature to move the axes back to the center of the object, so I was wondering how tihs is done in A8? I know about the axes button and manually moving them back on center again, but with a lot of objects this becomes quite tedious. I there another way to do this to all of the objects? Thanks Leroy.


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Re: Is there a way to recenter the axes in Anim8or?
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2012, 08:14:57 am »

There isn't a simple way, but there is a trick that works.  Centre the object to the workspace using Edit>Locate>Center About Origin.  In any non-perspective or otho view (eg. front or left) create a small temporary object, such as a sphere or cube primitive, beside the object and mirror it to the other side, select all 3 objects and Build>Join Solids.  The new object's origin point will default to the centre.  In vertex editing mode, delete the points of the two temporary objects and voila, you are left with your original object with mathematically centred origin.  Points to consider are to ensure the temporary object is smaller than the main object and is centred on 2 of the 3 axes so as to not cause the reset origin to be off centre, and to ensure that the temporary object is clear of the main object so it, and it's mirror, can be easily deleted in vertex mode.


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Re: Is there a way to recenter the axes in Anim8or?
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2012, 01:42:03 pm »

You can also select all the faces of the object, then Edit->Detach Faces (or shift+d). This will detach all of the faces and put it in a new mesh in the same location, with the center reset. You'll have to delete the old, invisible object afterwards (use the List Items button in the top row of buttons).

Or, you can edit the file in notepad or another text editor.

Replace (the origin values will be different for you)
Code: [Select]
    pivot {
      origin { (-21.292 17.327 0) }

Code: [Select]
    pivot {
      origin { (0 0 0) }


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Re: Is there a way to recenter the axes in Anim8or?
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2012, 07:24:19 pm »

Thanks to both of you for the feedback. The problem I have was related to how the model appeared when exported as BZIIX. All of the pivots appeared centered in the models parts but not the way they looked in Anim8or; they were all seperated. I think what is stranger is that earlier made models looked fine when exported,  but now the X exporter seems to be behaving diffrently then the original exporter. Leroy.