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Author Topic: Anim8or WifiPad  (Read 5542 times)


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Anim8or WifiPad
« on: March 06, 2012, 11:11:23 am »

What's up, everyone. I'm using this cool little iPhone app called 'WifiPad' (free! on app store).
It allows you to use your iDevice as a mousepad, trackpad, keyboard, gamepad, and much more, depending on how people make thier gamepads, which brings me to my next point: You can load custom pads and download them for free from the site.
Now, I'm working on a wifipad that's for use with Anim8or, and I'm wondering what features you guys would like to see in it if you were to use it. Remember, I have full control over what keyboard buttons, mouse, anything you want, multiple-keys-at-once included. Just ask in this thread, and I'll get started right away!


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Re: Anim8or WifiPad
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2012, 12:33:38 pm »

If I were to offer advice, I'd say that whatever you do, make sure you make it so that with a mouse in one hand and the gamepad in the other, you streamline as much as possible so that it's at least as effective or more effective than having a keyboard.

For example, what if you had a modeling mode? You click and drag with your mouse to make new edges and such, and in the gamepad you have a button to make a dolly tool (takes a little logic to implement, but not much), a button for making new edges, filling holes, cutting, etc, arranged in an easy-to-use sequence where you don't have to look down from the computer screen.

Things like that ;)


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Re: Anim8or WifiPad
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2012, 02:29:15 pm »

Great suggestion, Raxx! I think it will come in a set with a different gamepad for each mode. The 'device-replaces-keyboard' idea is great, I'll definetly begin designing asap! I'll be drawing up some stuff on notecards and then a basic on in paint to get a pretty accurate (mapping-wise) idea of what it'll look like.