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Author Topic: daz studio makehuman and anim8or  (Read 13130 times)


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daz studio makehuman and anim8or
« on: January 25, 2012, 12:27:47 pm »

Ok I have a problem. I have been a big supporter of makehuman for awhile now to help me create background characters for some animations i have been working on. But I resently discovered Daz studio. well I heard about it before but the new one they have is more user friendly then when I tried it a few years ago. So seeing that daz is more developed than makehuman as far as having clothes and can export a rigged character with no problems I thought I would use it. Then I found all of these creature creator packs like I was looking for when I first got into 3d modeling ( i was looking for a way to make characters without having to actually spend the time to model them back in the day, but all of the software that I found did not produce any models that even closely look like my concept art let along look good. It looked ok for a cartoon.)

 But anyway, I am now use to making all of my characters myself now, so i played with daz studio and I made a good looking character that is really close to my concept drawings. I was going to ask was it considered cheating if I used this instead of modeling the character myself. Then I exported the character from daz to anim8or to see how it was modeled to get some tips on making my own models and this thing had waaaaayyyyy to many polys for my taste. just the body alone had over 75,000 polys not including clothing and accessories. My computer can handle all of that but i like to try to keep my render time as low as possible without losing quality. I decided to use the daz model as a guide and remodeled him in anim8or. So Im still wondering if I should keep the remodeled version or the daz version, or are they both considered cheating and I should just model the one I intended to do from my drawing.



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Re: daz studio makehuman and anim8or
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2012, 01:07:04 pm »

So Daz Studio has a human/creature builder, right? Perhaps in Daz there's an option to lower the subdivision level.

For the cheating part, it all really depends on what your goal is as an artist, and what kind of "quality" as an artist you wish to portray. If you only wish to excel in animation, then cheating on the model part in order to practice animation and show off your moves is standard among animators. If you want to prove your merit as more than just an amateur 3D artist, then you almost have to take shortcuts in order to compete with the AAA quality artists (because that's what they do). However, don't assume that means less work.

Think of it like takes a lot of work to go from a single vertex to that "finished" model you have on the right, if you did it entirely by scratch, polygon by polygon. It used to be that you had to do all the work yourself, right?

Now take that ratio of work it would have taken, and multiply it by the amount of work you had to do to just generate that character using the software, rather than building it by scratch. Apply that amount of extra work to that generated character through detailing (sculpture software), clothing, props, and texturing with multiple shaders. That's the kind of standard you'd need if you want to take shortcuts like that.

A lot of people take shortcuts in art and coding but don't do any work to supplement it, mistakenly assuming that it's because all of the work is taken care of now. Most times their stuff comes out amateurish, less than AAA level quality. That's because that AAA level increases as more and more shortcuts are introduced. Shortcuts have appeared because the level of quality of 3D art has risen tremendously over the last decade (or vice versa).

Personally I'd never, ever use a creature/character generator for my own art, no matter how big the project. But I'm only a hobbyist ;)


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Re: daz studio makehuman and anim8or
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2012, 01:20:45 pm »

daz has a lower base mesh but that only reduces the poly count to maybe 50 to 60 thousand. It also has a desimater that basically turns it into a low rez triangulated mesh for game developers. I'm not in to making games and I'm more into keeping a quad mesh. plus after finishing what I have so far ( I still have to do the inside of the mouth and texture him. but my version only has 10,000 polys and thats when it is sub divided. Its barely at 2,000 if I don't. plus im not that into details yet. if you look at the head that I modeled, i left out the nostrils and alot of muscle detail. Im not good at modeling muscle detail yet, unless I try to sculpt it.

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Re: daz studio makehuman and anim8or
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2012, 03:30:53 pm »

I've poked around with it a bit.  It actually has my favourite pose editor, but I haven't found much actual use for it.  Not that I've had any significant progress in any 3d project for a while.  The poly count tends to be outrageous with their models, I think, because of the way that they overuse morphs for customization.  As for cheating, remember the adage:  "Plagiarism is the highest form of flattery."


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Re: daz studio makehuman and anim8or
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2012, 05:48:48 pm »

The general rule of thumb regarding using content you didn't create is to declare its source and don't declare (or imply) that it's your own work.  It is possible to go too far with this, of course.  A photographer of urban landscapes does not have to declare the manufacturer of every car in his photos.  Unless specifically stated as a condition of usage in any associated terms and conditions, I tend not to declare the use of web-sourced textures, but I will with meshes.
Regarding your meshes, I am more impressed with the Anim8or version since it was created from scratch by yourself, and it will serve the purpose of a 'background' character better with its reduced impact on system resources.  The Daz version would be clearly more suited to a main character.
Best advise I can give you is to continue improving your meshing skills, perhaps using the Daz meshes as a guide to edgelooping techniques.  Your own creations will always be more impressive to others, and more satisfying to yourself, than playing with eDolls.  You clearly have a good grasp of organic modelling, there is no reason why you couldn't have modelled the 'Daz studio version' above (noses and ears are probably the most difficult part but the same techniques apply).


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Re: daz studio makehuman and anim8or
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2012, 06:13:25 pm »

I was thinking the same thing about the satisfying post. I mean it feels good for some one to say they liked the anim8or version. Where as the daz  kinda feels like those commercials you see on TV when the person has an asterisk over their heads.

And yea ears are really hard for me. Tried tutorial but all I can get right now is the basic shape. I only recently differed how to model a decent human nose once I start using proper edge loops in the face.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 06:16:24 pm by siragin »


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Re: daz studio makehuman and anim8or
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2012, 07:18:12 pm »

as far as the remodelling goes, look more closely at the egdeloops. try to make them go the same way as the daz model has it. it would look like it a lot more. the biggest difference is obviously the nose but it goes a bit deeper than that. the nose sets off the rest of the face. like the creases around the eyes and going around the mouth. you dont have to actually make the nose but still follow the loops coming off the nose. just my 2 cents ☺. good luck with it