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Author Topic: Anim8or + Live Action???  (Read 4980 times)


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Anim8or + Live Action???
« on: November 01, 2011, 05:32:45 pm »

How in the heck would one go about compositing a 3d model into a moving live-action scene? I can understand a stationary shot (I've tried them before, actually). I don't have any skills with programs like Blender, so until I can get the years I spent trying to learn it to stick, I'm stuck with Anim8or (not to say that that's a bad thing...). I know of a couple 3d-matchmoving programs like Boujou (I use a free one called Voodoo Camera Tracker), But I have NO idea how to get a 3d model into those. I just makes not sense to me at all. I'd even go for being able to put a moving image in the background and animating it right in Anim8or! Any one know of a solution, or have this problem?


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Re: Anim8or + Live Action???
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2011, 10:13:21 pm »

There are a couple of solutions to this, in most cases requiring software beyond Anim8or.

1) ROTOSCOPING: This involves applying a moving image as a material to an object in the 3D modeller in much the same way you can apply a static texture.  Note that Anim8or is not capable of doing this though I believe Terranim8or can.  This method is best if you are inserting live action into an otherwise virtual scene, for example applying a video of a flowing waterfall to a waterfall model.

2) AUTOMATIC MATCHMOVING: This is the best method but results are heavily dependent on how good your matchmoving software is.  Packages like PFTrack from Pixel Farm do an incredible job of analysing existing footage and calculating camera movements (even tracking moving objects in the 2D footage and supplying 3D data!) but this comes at a price ( US$12000+ ).  The software outputs camera movement data for uploading to your preferred 3D package, so basically you force your virtual camera to move in the same way the actual camera did.  The virtual scene is filmed on greenscreen and composited with the live action in post production, and since both cameras are moving in the identical fashion (in theory) the 3D stuff matches the real stuff exactly.  I imagine the results of this process will depend greatly on the quality of your matchmoving software.  Anim8or lacks an animation format importer so unless suitable converters are available (which may well be the case) you might need to consider something more 'complete' than Anim8or for this.


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Re: Anim8or + Live Action???
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2011, 04:44:52 am »

Icarus is a motion tracking piece of software, use in conjunction with ic2an8 written some time ago, It is available on The original links to ic2an8 are dead.

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