Coridavis: I like the scene youve made there, but it could use some refining. there are some sharp corners on the horse (maybe try subdividing?) and a horse texture might help break up the overbright areas on the fur.
It's a shame though that you couldn't use a new model for the challenge as Raxx suggested for the challenge..
Oh a suggestion for the cropping of your image: maybe you can have the model more on the right side of the image instead of centered, that way it will look more like it's flying to the left instead of hanging still in mid air..
Here is a WIP on my progress of Zeus. I hope I'll finish this project - maybe too ambitious?
Bull model is finished, I made the base mesh in Anim8or, defined the shape in sculptris and retopologized it in 3d studio max.. Now I am thinking of posing it in Anim8or, I'll see how it goes otherwise I might have to do it in max (i never really pose anything.. tut tut tut simon, but.. i just never make organic models!)

next up - rigging & unwrapping (the most fun parts of course!)
(I'll see if I can make Europa herself - thats a whole new challenge right there, so I might just leave it with Zeus!)