This is my first script. It's a controller script.
int $x;
file $console;
float $RampStep[5];
float $RampTime[5];
float $RampSpeed[5];
float $RampAccel[5];
$RampStep[0] = 0; $RampTime[0] = 0; $RampSpeed[0] = 0; $RampAccel[0] = 0;
$RampStep[1] = 34; $RampTime[1] = 0.0262; $RampSpeed[1] = 2597; $RampAccel[1] = 98182;
$RampStep[2] = 46; $RampTime[2] = 0.0323; $RampSpeed[2] = 1300; $RampAccel[2] = -210600;
$RampStep[3] = 186; $RampTime[3] = 0.1227; $RampSpeed[3] = 1800; $RampAccel[3] = 5536;
$RampStep[4] = 200; $RampTime[4] = 0.1382; $RampSpeed[4] = 0; $RampAccel[4] = -115714;
float $StartTime1;
float $StackingTime;
$StartTime1 = 0.76;
$"$console", "w");
if (time > $StartTime1)
$StackingTime = time - $StartTime1;
for $x=0 to 4 do
$console.print("x=%i\n", $x);
$orientation = (0.0, 0.0, 90.0, 1.0);
$orientation = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
I'm stuck on this line "$console.print("x=%i\n", $x);". I know it executes because I can see its line number in the debug output trace but I don't see x=0....
Am I looking in the right place? Does the output appear in the Anim8or debug output window? Is there a mistake?