For the future, when asking something specific, post an image example !

When your faces are flipped ( blue, which is the back side of a face ) flip them by using the "Flip Normals" command from edit menu (or just use short cut "Shift + n" or "N" - depends on if you have caps locked or not

About the not fill thing : There are too many edges ! Anim8or have some limit on that. You can make first what you want with more less edges, fill it and then add more ( edges ) on the already filled mesh. That would for sure work !
And about selecting faces : you can select whatever you want without rotating from different views the mesh. Just use the "front" , "back" buttons in the point editor ( under the x,y,z ). And when the face becomes blue, that means you still selected it, just it's the back side of the face ( there's no need to select and manipulate faces only from front side, just do whatever you want to achieve the result from any view )