Oh silly me, I forgot to write the follow up post.. well better late then never.
OKAY, time for a news broadcast.
What I have been doing on this project recently
Absolutely nothing.
Reasons why I have been doing absolutely nothing on this project recently
Well I just finished building my new machine for the most part (I'll have a different post containing details on that), and I have spent a lot of money, time, and effort into it; and the change over (software wise) was a bit more of a hassle than I wanted it to be (looks like windows xp is really nearing it's final days as driver support dies out <- the only reason why xp is dieing). Also work (that I am so glad I finally have) has been temporarily arse backwards due to some very Canadian weather and has screwed with my sleep scheduled. But with that change now mostly over and work getting back to normal, I have reset up my programing environment and am ready to get back on track with this project.
So what now?
Well I am going to focus on what I know I CAN DO and do that first. Since the dang ray collisions still aren't working I am going to work around them until I get them working (I think I am cursed when it comes to these rays, they won't collide correctly for my freakin life

). SO this means that I will be working on the scripting engine a lot, and implementing the primitive functionality I have with it.
Basic things such as distance formulas (spherical collision), basic statements (if, and, or),simple formulas and basic modules (obj loader) will be implemented all into one and accessed through the scripts. So the goal is to get something simple, maybe not practical or totally useful but rather something functional out as quickly as possible so the project will have a better stepping stone to work from, and be in a better state than what it is in now.
Really the only two things that need to be worked on to get this basic functionality I am looking for is the script engine itself, and the application to edit the scripts (the second half is less important as you could script using something like notepad, although not practical it WILL WORK, I WILL MAKE IT WORK [PERIOD!]
I am not going to let this project fall or fail or break or blowup, it has gone to far to just leave it at this point and I made a promise (some where along the ways I did) to finish this project(or in other words, make a equivalent to better version than the original). And I will do just that [EMPHASIS ON THE PERIOD!]
Thank you for keeping with this project all the way through (if you have, and if you haven't thank you for trying (and if you haven't tried then, uhh SHAME ON YOU I think?)).