Well there's someone I haven't talk to in a long time.
Good to see ya, congrats on the co-ownership, I hope business is good.
As for the server, it may actually be of some use, I will have to sink in the information in over the weekend, and try to figure out whats happening on this end (my friend is not getting as much computer time as usual, less than 4 hours).
Also, yes the engine is being built in C++. Runs on multiple platforms, for sure windows xp vista and 7, linux through wine, and theoretically mac (but not tested, and I don't I care about them).
To summarize up those some 7 pages of text, I'm keeping the same goal of cre8or, to have beginners as well as advanced users (in a method that will teach people about programing).
I am building my own scripting language, using my own interpreter parser and of course engine.
I am building my own shading language on top of the scripting, which essentially combines opengl 1.1 fixed pipeline functions, as well as things like perlin noises.
Supports for every key on the keyboard, plus controllers (including tilt axis, like on the ps3 remotes).
My own lighting functions (with infinite amount of lights using opengl 1.1), and the option to use opengl's fixed lighting functions instead.
(advanced) Font functions, as well as multiple fonts (at once) in 3d space and on screen gui.
And much much more secret stuff (that may be leaked
) to come!