Well, I've been having this problem for quite a while now, but always found a way around it. but now it's just getting on my nerves.
So I make two key frames, but in between those frames it doesn't do what I want it to do.
For example, in my 2-second clip for the "Don't Forget" Collab, my character is stroking her horse's nose. I made a key for the hand high up on the nose, and a key for the hand lower. But instead of the hand moving down the way it should, it moves Up and THEN down, and there are no keys telling it to do that!
Another example was when I made the camera move around the ship in that video after I made it. I had the camera set on "face target" and had it move around the ship, but in the first frames, the camera turned around backwards, then turned back around and did what it was supposed to. I had to completely cut out those first frames because there was no way around it.
Also when I tried to test the flag, the camera was supposed to remain stationary, I had two keys telling it to stay in that one spot until it was supposed to move, but No. it moves up then moves down when it's supposed to.
What is going on!?