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Author Topic: "Firestorm" - a Music Video  (Read 8372 times)


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"Firestorm" - a Music Video
« on: January 23, 2011, 09:53:09 pm »

Hello, All... Yes, I've sidestepped the Steampunk project for a moment in order to work on something for a musician I know. He asked me to try and put together a sci-fi space battle for his rock-n-roll instrumental score, named "Firestorm."

No sense hiding the work from everyone, so, without further adieu.... the project as it develops.

First main scene I'm working on...

The bridge of the Zalaman Interplanetary Exploration and Colonization Ship (no name yet...)

(to be updated as more develops)

Shown here, very rough work in progress of the "Holographic Planet Projector" located in roughly the center of the bridge." The planet "image" in the glow-cylinder is set with a .75 transparency so that, when the bridge scene is complete, it will have a ghostly, semi-transparent effect and features of the bridge that are behind it will show through. The planet and its moons are all textured objects from another project I had saved on an old memory stick. I still need to adjust the lighting and shadows of the planet and moons...

...a little 3D walkaround test of the holo-thing...[/youtube]]http://www.



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Re: "Firestorm" - a Music Video
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2011, 07:06:42 am »

Looks great!
I like the flickering, How did you achieve the effect?


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Re: "Firestorm" - a Music Video
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2011, 11:18:44 pm »

heh... actually, that flicker is because of two cylinder shapes sitting same size, same place, same texture (creating a slight trans blur)... as the camera circles the scene, that flicker just happened to come out... I wanted something like that to happen, and it came through by sheer luck!

Attached, the beginnings of the race that crews the ship in question...

Working on the limbs, then figure-forming and creating "costume"...

Yes, it's a salamander :P
« Last Edit: January 25, 2011, 12:45:45 am by Arik_the_Red »