It might not be relevant to the topic, but Everything besides the modeling of Zoey was done in four days, I had been making the Zoey model in my spare time over months, really just to get the hang of high poly character modeling, because before I am an Animator, I am first a game designer, and tend to have my characters drawn with quite low detail for the games. The first three days of work were making the robot, rigging Zoey and the robot, and all the animations, and the fourth day was creating the sound effects and syncing them with the animation.
There is a story to Bullet Life by the way, it's just something I don't find any reason to release yet, simply because I'm not popular enough yet.
Did you play the game by the way? It's free and it's arcade style so it's beatable in a short time (21 minutes to be exact). In the next BL game I will find a way to incorporate some of the things that were in this animation that were not in the game, particularly the stylish dodging at 0:33.
Anyway, I agree with you, I like animation for that you can explore the world that is impossible. One person once tolled me "It's a little odd that she is flying." My response was "Isn't that normal?" And besides it's so much easier to make an animation of something impossible as flying then something as possible as running, because when making an impossible animation, it really doesn't have to look "right" as long as it doesn't look "poorly done."