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Author Topic: A problem causing me some grief.  (Read 12445 times)


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A problem causing me some grief.
« on: March 18, 2008, 05:24:56 pm »

Hello! I have been using anim8or for several years now, and even completed a movie using it some years ago (used to be on youtube but I have since taken it off as it is not the best I could have done.)

Currently, I am in the process of making another movie of sorts, and well, I have had this issue with many of my meshes, often it pops up on cylinders, or spheres where I have "regrouped" part of it in Milkshape 3D to apply one texture to one part, and another texture to another part.

The result is usually these "lines" acrossed the actual mesh lines. Currently im working with a certain sci fi monster, and it has a particular smoothness to its head obviously... Welll, some rather UGLY lines are appearing while im trying to take a look at the texture (and thusly work on bump maps/spec maps). I've tried subdivision, i've even tried joining the solids, nothing seems to work, and it only appears like this in anim8or:

Thanks in advanced guys!


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Re: A problem causing me some grief.
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2008, 05:41:40 pm »

I've got three questions:

1. Have you merged the points properly after joining solids?

2. Ok, you have merged the points properly... Aren't there some faces inside the model so the edges would be part of more than 2 faces?

3. Aren't the edges properties "creased"? (doubleclick the edge and select "smooth" in the dialog box...)

It would help if you posted a wireframe screenshot when the edges are selected (in point mode) - if you select the edges, the color will say a lot...

I hope it helps...
« Last Edit: March 18, 2008, 05:44:11 pm by Kubajzz »


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Re: A problem causing me some grief.
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2008, 05:50:23 pm »

Heres the wireframe selected. Its two parts with two seperate textures (The matierial settings are identical) I've played with the smooth angles, and that seems to smooth everything but the ugly bits out.

I've fiddled with the smooth/creased/rounded function and it seems to do absolutely nothing. Im rather lost on this problem.

Edit: I did try merging some of the points, and that did seem to smooth out a few of the areas a little, however the split point between the two "parts" is still seamed, and I dont know why. I can SEE why it might, but it doesnt make sense, i've had segmented models before without this... and in milkshape these edges dont appear AT ALL. Very odd.

Edit2 : Ah Yes. Connect Edges, now that makes sense. I was always a bit afraid of that one assuming it meant "snap together" and that i'd end up ruining the UV map. It seems to be resolved now!

Heres a pic :

Thank you a bunch!
« Last Edit: March 18, 2008, 06:09:51 pm by commandox20 »


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Re: A problem causing me some grief.
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2008, 06:02:00 pm »

Do you still have the object divided in two (or more) parts? If yes, you will never get a smooth surface...

You have to make one connected mesh in order to get a smooth surface... so...

1. Select all the parts and click Build>JoinSolids
2. Select the points where the former meshes "touch" each other (use drag-select tool) and click Edit>Merge Points (or Ctrl+L), click OK; if the structure of your model changes (some points disappear), click Undo and merge points again with lower number in the dialog box.

Now it should be smooth...


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Re: A problem causing me some grief.
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2008, 06:11:31 pm »

Well it seems just by connecting the points without joining the solids I got rid of most of the ugly.

Thanks for your help, I was really beating my face in over that (see above edit for more info)


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Re: A problem causing me some grief.
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2008, 06:27:22 pm »

Well it seems just by connecting the points without joining the solids...

Just out of curiosity, how did you go about that, as points won't inherently "connect" with one another unless they are part of the same (solid) mesh.  Unless you mean that you somehow made the points occupy the same coordinates.  In either case, I'm still curious.


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Re: A problem causing me some grief.
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2008, 12:55:43 am »

It looks to me that some of the edges aren't properly shared.  Any green edges mean that only one face is connected to the edge instead of two.  This means that for some reason you have overlapping edges.  To fix this you can simply delete one edge, though you may have to delete points instead, then reconnect them and fill the holes, making sure that the edges turn white.

Edit:  People got to it before me, but that's still an explanation of the reason for your problem.  Joining points is proper for fixing it because the points that are overlapping each other are then merged together, no longer overlapping, but connected.


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Re: A problem causing me some grief.
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2008, 12:21:08 pm »

Well it seems just by connecting the points without joining the solids...

Just out of curiosity, how did you go about that, as points won't inherently "connect" with one another unless they are part of the same (solid) mesh.  Unless you mean that you somehow made the points occupy the same coordinates.  In either case, I'm still curious.

Well it turns out I was wrong, the point at the center did not fix, it was just the position I put the model in and I got all excited, I did indeed have to join the solids. The problem with that is that it works off two seperate matierials, and there have been times when Anim8or bugs out and "unassigns" the textures... and then it becomes rather impossible to reassign the textures to it proper.