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Author Topic: Steampunk World  (Read 183253 times)


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #30 on: October 28, 2010, 05:08:38 am »

Here is a quick mockup of what style I had in mind for the houses. This would be a garage obviously but it's a mix of german-style beams and a bit of sci-fi on the proportions and the roof.

Posting it here to see if thats what we're aiming for or if I should be thinking in a different direction haha

to reply to kreators question; I don't know what Ariks plan is, but if I speak for myself it doesnt even have to be an animation, just making the models and putting it together will be fun - if we can get some awesome still shots out of it that would be great already, but an animation would be even better of course.
I think a game is out of the question though ;)
« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 08:17:51 am by $imon »


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #31 on: October 28, 2010, 05:25:17 am »

Like $imon, just need a bit of confirmation re styles.  This sketch is a quick idea for a sort of limousine, perhaps the vehicle of choice for one of the executives in the big central power conglomerate.  For practicality (and steerability!) reasons I would ditch the valve gear and outboard linkages etc in favour of inboard motivation, and considering the overall length it might need to be articulated in the middle so it can navigate the tight Steamtopia alleys and viaducts.  Stylistically, the intention is a sort of lovechild of a steam locomotive and a 30's automobile.


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #32 on: October 28, 2010, 07:55:23 am »

Thats a great sketch ensoniq! I would love to see that one in 3d, especially coming from you ;)
As far as I'm concerned you should go ahead - it's steampunk and awesome, so I don't think anyone would object!

You can actually use the valve gear as a stearing system - pivoting the whole set of 4 wheels around, but I agree that its far from practical ;)

Looking at your sketch i really like the metal in it , maybe I can incorporate that in my building design.. It really is a big choice to have a metal-city or a more historically accurate, yet with some steampunk-city

As for a name for the city - steamtopia sounds good, but it implies the city is some sort of utopia, quite the opposite from what the story tries to convey I thnk. Not sure what you guys think about it though!
Some other ideas could be maybe something with 'enclave' in it (always sounds cool :P), steampire, .. lets think about some more
« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 08:23:04 am by $imon »


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #33 on: October 28, 2010, 11:23:24 am »

Just my thoughts on houses/factories ... this is a ready made Carrara/Poser Steampunk factory but obviously I don`t want to spend $14.95 for it when we can make it ourselves, but it looks the part!  there is also an interior which costs extra  but again this can very easily be made.


Any thoughts on steam.... PI??  Thats what I would use!!


« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 11:31:42 am by kreator »


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #34 on: October 28, 2010, 11:32:02 am »

City name... I thought of Steamtopia as a sort of irony... because it reflects the high desires of a world reborn, but with the harsh realities of what is bound to become of it due to the dark side of human nature.  I think your building is a great design! It fits perfectly with the idea of a tightly packed urban setting.

Wow, that car looks a lot like the car that Nemo had in "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen"... In fact, that movie, I think, has some fine Steampunk elements to it. As inspiration goes, I would list it as something worth watching for dress style, technology, etc.

I attached the car here as it was just too much to pass up!

I started this idea just saying I had a new idea I was working on personally, and spelled out what I myself would like to do.

As for this becoming a group project, even as an individual project the idea I had is very big and time-consuming... So I could hardly expect to push a full game, movie or whatever out of this all in one fell swoop either way.

I thought it might be quite fun, quite enough, just to do things in stages... Thus, at this point, to create a Steampunk city scene, and then let the group decide as a whole what they would like to do with it.

As to that building design... DAY-UM!  That pretty much hits right on the head exactly what would fit well in this mishmash of light industrial, commercial and residential city block! Are you going to build it? It is a bit like my own structure in the works.

RE-CAP of CREATIONS in the Works:
Lets form a list of what people want to build for the immediate moment. That way we can see what is in the works, and think about what else can be made to fill in the gaps....

I am reverting to the first message to outline the project, develop things to reflect what is being made. As people post what they are working on, I will list these items in the first message.

I think at this stage, simply creating an immediate, attainable goal, would be a good for a team focus. Assume we'll be constructing a city block, very tightly packed building style... As such, there are many things that can be made to create a very involved, exciting, in-depth scene.

For the purpose of this city block scene, who is working on what? Listing proposed contributions at the first message on this thread....

Therefore, making a sampling of buildings, characters, vehicles, etc., that would form a block or two of a city street, and then we would have elements created and able to be used, recycled, rearranged, etc., for expanding from that.

One thing Raxx mentioned about the city's atmosphere due to the use of steam, is that we would have a definite come-and-go of fog and rain, and so we would not really have to worry about a background, but would simply be able to make the scene go "to the edge of the fog," right? And then go from there as the street develops....


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #35 on: October 28, 2010, 11:50:39 am »

I guess I'll commit myself to making a garage for Raxx' character, and maybe a few houses around it at first.

I like that style of building kreator; I'll use a bit more brick and concrete in my design to match that style, I think it would be cool.. It will also look a lot more 'dirty' which is always good in Steamtopia.
So as far as building style I guess this could be a general guideline:

- materials:  bricks, concrete, some wood, metal , roof tiles
- style: rigid, dirty.. lot's of steam-pipes on the outside > chimneys
(- 10 anim8or units = 1 foot)

I was thinking of maybe having water flow through the city in canal-form ( this but on a smaller scale, like this

I like the fog-idea, of course a thick fog is not much fun, but the rest of the city can be covered in fog a bit so we don't have to go much into detail - but thats of later concern if we only get the block or two done first :)

I loved the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen ! it was awesome!  When everyone is watching movies anyway - I liked Howl's moving castle too , it also has a bit of a steampunk-theme going on!
« Last Edit: October 29, 2010, 03:41:21 am by $imon »


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #36 on: October 28, 2010, 11:59:32 am »

Likewise I`ll "commit" to the factories and other bits, I feel that I owe it to you Arik.

I take it as read that it should all be in anim8or.



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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #37 on: October 28, 2010, 12:04:31 pm »

kreator, you can model in another program if you want to, I just think the final render(s) will have to be done in Anim8or so just keep in mind the file extension, polycount & types of textures I guess!

Ive made a first city plan on the possible block we could do - it will be a lot of work but if everyone can do some it would be great of course.
Dimensions will have to be added to have everyone make their buildings proportionate of course.

The blocks in the picture only show the ground the building will be on, not the outlines of the buildings themselves - maybe in some cases where the houses are close together the square will represent the whole building..

Ive blocked out a few parts , the top half is the more industrial part , with kreator's factory in the top left, i thought it would be cool to have a government-style building in the top right (office-like with decorations). In between something else industrial can be added, my girlfriend came up with a shipyard which is pretty cool - maybe a balloon yard or something can even be made.

In between the sections there is water flowing in small canals for the power supply, and for houses to drain their warmed up waste water into.

The bottom left section is a more residential area for regular houses to live in, shops, stores, workshops, hotels etc. The main characters' workshops are here, along with a shopping street and an airship docking station that goes across the street with an airbridge, where customers and residents can dock their balloon.

A pedestrian bridge takes us to an area that I couldn't think of too much to put yet.. A power station of course would be interesting, I also thought maybe a boat docking place and a park.
At the bottom are some richer houses where Ensoniq's car will be coming from ;)

The block is surrounded by roads, having bridges where the canal flows under it.

This is just a first block-out, suggestions are welcome and we can improve it to become the ultimate steampunk-block.
Preferably every house has a bit more information, if its a store-what type of store etc. And maybe adding buildings that I couldn't think of that would fit well in a steampunk environment.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 02:02:25 pm by $imon »


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #38 on: October 28, 2010, 01:43:19 pm »

Okay, I'm in. :P

This seems like it will be a lot of fun. :)

I'll catch up on it all and help out later. ;)


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #39 on: October 28, 2010, 02:25:00 pm »

Thanks $imon for the floor plan looks good to go!, there is a lot to develop here, from past experience in the projects department, it will need a bit of commitment to see it fully established.

No Locomotives though!!



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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #40 on: October 28, 2010, 02:47:59 pm »

3Dgeek: would be great if you want to pick something up and start having fun with it :) I imagine besides buildings anything else that one would see outside in steamtopia would be great to add.

kreator: Trains! of course! how could i forget haha.. lets see how we can get that in there..


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #41 on: October 28, 2010, 03:04:37 pm »

The map idea is great, Simon! Perhaps rearrange it a bit so there is a main street that can have buildings on either side? Maybe run the "Market Street" as a main drag that crosses the river and goes between your factory and shipyard sites? Then we could focus on developing that as the beginning block area of the project area, and not worry on the outlying map areas until later?

We can then put the steam girl's shop and  the metalsmith shop along the same street, and fill in gaps more quickly. They are similar in business style, and would thus work well being in the same sort of "light industrial" sort of block. Perhaps have these sorts of workshops on one side of the street, and market-shops and upstair dwelling areas on the opposite?

Kreator: I won't try and guess about any "owing" of anything... This is just a fun project that could make for a really cool result for everyone involved to show off.

ALL: If you put forth the rough dimensions of your property plot, it would make it easier to try and visualize how they can work together to make the neighborhood. It looks like Simon has become "Zoning Commissioner", so the map would work best if he knows the size of the property you are building ;)

My metalshop/office/upstairs attic apartment plot will be on a plot 400 pts wide by 400 deep. That's 40ft wide and deep, or 12.2 metres/meters by 12.2 metres/meters


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #42 on: October 28, 2010, 04:12:57 pm »

Hey Arik, Sounds great..

Here an update on the map, Ive incorporated both your suggestions, I think its a lot better already, any more ideas are (of course!) welcome.
As you can see the Balloon-shipyard has gotten a bit bigger but that should be a very interesting site to model so I don't think thats a bad thing :)

Dimensions would be nice. Ive put a scale in ft with it, I hope that will be a bit true to life, I'm very bad at guessing..
If a plot is too big it's no problem but if someone needs more space for their building(s) we'll have to make room !

Now Ill work a bit on my workshop haha .. finally! :P


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #43 on: October 28, 2010, 05:58:27 pm »

I think the buildings need to be separated a bit more from the road and the other buildings. Just me, though.

Yeah, I will probably model some cool little gadgets while you guys get the plans all straightened out.

And by the way, how are we supposed to keep the measurements? Anim8or doesn't have a measuring tool.
And what does Arik mean by "pts"? :P


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #44 on: October 28, 2010, 07:07:56 pm »

3Dgeek11, go to Options->Grid. Set Spacing to Fixed, Objects:10 and Scene:10

Make sure Show Grid is enabled (black lines if you want to see it better).

Voila, each grid block is one square foot.
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