City name... I thought of Steamtopia as a sort of irony... because it reflects the high desires of a world reborn, but with the harsh realities of what is bound to become of it due to the dark side of human nature. I think your building is a great design! It fits perfectly with the idea of a tightly packed urban setting.
Wow, that car looks a lot like the car that Nemo had in "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen"... In fact, that movie, I think, has some fine Steampunk elements to it. As inspiration goes, I would list it as something worth watching for dress style, technology, etc.
I attached the car here as it was just too much to pass up!
I started this idea just saying I had a new idea I was working on personally, and spelled out what I myself would like to do.
As for this becoming a group project, even as an individual project the idea I had is very big and time-consuming... So I could hardly expect to push a full game, movie or whatever out of this all in one fell swoop either way.
I thought it might be quite fun, quite enough, just to do things in stages... Thus, at this point, to create a Steampunk city scene, and then let the group decide as a whole what they would like to do with it.
As to that building design... DAY-UM! That pretty much hits right on the head exactly what would fit well in this mishmash of light industrial, commercial and residential city block! Are you going to build it? It is a bit like my own structure in the works.
RE-CAP of CREATIONS in the Works:
Lets form a list of what people want to build for the immediate moment. That way we can see what is in the works, and think about what else can be made to fill in the gaps....
I am reverting to the first message to outline the project, develop things to reflect what is being made. As people post what they are working on, I will list these items in the first message.
I think at this stage, simply creating an immediate, attainable goal, would be a good for a team focus. Assume we'll be constructing a city block, very tightly packed building style... As such, there are many things that can be made to create a very involved, exciting, in-depth scene.
For the purpose of this city block scene, who is working on what? Listing proposed contributions at the first message on this thread....
Therefore, making a sampling of buildings, characters, vehicles, etc., that would form a block or two of a city street, and then we would have elements created and able to be used, recycled, rearranged, etc., for expanding from that.
One thing Raxx mentioned about the city's atmosphere due to the use of steam, is that we would have a definite come-and-go of fog and rain, and so we would not really have to worry about a background, but would simply be able to make the scene go "to the edge of the fog," right? And then go from there as the street develops....