PointBevel script testing.
Here's a script,I worked on a few months ago.When I resume working
on it a few weeks from now,I would like to know what changes should
be made or if I should simply drop it.
* The PointBevel script allows you to smooth,or "rounds off" a selected point
* of a mesh.It adds an additional point on each edge connected to the original
* point at equal distance,plus the necessary edges in order to create an angled
* face and modify the existing ones.The distance is set at 25% of the smallest
* connected edge size.
* To be beveled,a point needs to be connected to a minimum of 3 faces and there
* should be no hole around the point.
* The newly created faces will end up selected at the script termination to
* allow further manipulation.
* The connected faces UV coords are not kept since since a remapped is needed.
* The connected faces material are reset to default because of a bug in the
* Anim8or scripting language.The code is there and will be activated as soon
* as the bug is corrected.
* The operation can be performed on multiple points and also multiple meshes
* simultaneously.
I'm not sure if leaving faces selected is really useful since user might
be more interested in adjusting the size using the point slide tool.
In that case,leaving points selected wouldn't be useful since
the point slide tool is limited to 1 point at the time.
Would be nice if you could give it a try.Comments are welcome.
Bug report also.