At this point I think modeling's the main concern in any case. I already know that any game programing will mean stepping away from Anim8or. I am very tempted to move things over into Blender, so am going to be trying to get somewhat familiar with its game design and animation features.
As I am pretty serious about making this happen one way or another, alone or with a team, I figured a great way to see how it could go would be to start with the whaling station/village itself.
Therefore, I'm making an open invitation to anyone wanting to model for this little village, to choose something that catches your eye with the whaling station theme, as "oh that would be fun to make" and put it together.
I am working on the ship as shown above, and a pier-style dock for starters.
Anyone wishing to get involved may design something with the idea of semi-realistic, but with the idea of things being sort of toon-ish shape, as per the sample image along with those whaling station pics I posted.
For a scale of things, I'm roughly running things as:
10 anim8or points = 1 foot
Items need not be ultra-realistic, but nicely stylized, and should be in a state of disrepair, rusting, decay, etc.
Really, any number of structures or equipment can be made. The general era of construction would be anytime between the 1940s and 50s. Everything should look abandoned and long unused. Structures could be made from wood, corrugated or sheet metal (painted or bare or painted, rusted), and the like (as shown in the sample photos).
- Warehouse
- House
- Small Church and Graveyard
- Storage Shack/Tool Shed
- etc.
Odds and ends that could work for detail decoration could include:
- Tools
- Chain in piles or strewn about
- Ship Parts: Anchors, rudders, etc.
- Broken Equipment
- Broken vehicles
- Whale skeleton or bones
- etc.
For now, I'll be using this thread for "show and tell" of the complete construction of the whaling station/village.
TO SHOW YOUR WORK PROGRESS: Take a screenshot of 3-4 views of your object in "Flat" or "Wire" modes. That will give an idea of just how much or little meshwork you put into your creation. If you have worked on any textures, a render would be cool, too. Oh, and for "we the stupid," please tell us what you are modeling

Thanks for your interest in working on bits of this. Note, full credit will be given to anyone involved in the design and development of this project.
Post what you wish to build, and renders of your work, here. We'll worry about file sharing and such after a few things have developed.
I will be establishing a forum for development discussion, and once the whaling village is well underway there will be discussion of "the real fun parts" that lie beyond the island's crater rim...

I'm pretty sure that those wishing to remain involved will really like what that means.
Anyone who wants to get more deeply involved may contact me in Windows Messenger: .