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Author Topic: Space scene  (Read 5541 times)


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Space scene
« on: August 11, 2010, 09:26:15 am »

Hi all,

I am trying to make a space scene where the camera flies towards the sun which is in the centre of the frame. When the camera reaches the sun it flies right through it and comes out the other side at which point a planet comes into view.

The reason I am posting this is because I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to create this kind of scene. I have included some details below of how I would like things to look.

I would like the surface of the sun to ripple and move and perhaps have solar flares coming from the surface. I would like this rippling effect to continue as you pass through the sun. It would also be great if the planet could rotate and have clouds that are moving through the atmosphere as well.

Any tips on how I could create a scene like this would be great.



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Re: Space scene
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2010, 12:17:08 pm »

I did something similar in this video

So I can give you two suggestions.  I would most recommend that you do not try to do this in anim8or.  I used the cloud effects and some chroma keying in final cut pro.  Wax is free and can probably get you something similar.

If you want to do it in anim8or you'd need to make a bunch of objects with transparency maps on them.  Then you'd put them together into a ball and animate them to spin a drift and do whatever cloud stuff you want them to do.


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Re: Space scene
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2010, 07:21:18 pm »

Thanks for the sugesstion glorfon, I will take a look into that. It looks like an interesting piece of software. I will try to come up with a solution using both anim8or and Wax.