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Author Topic: making multiple characters with one skeleton  (Read 6148 times)


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making multiple characters with one skeleton
« on: August 10, 2010, 01:06:48 am »

I am brand spanking new so please bear with me.

I want to undertake a project that will take a simple character and run him through a series of manuevers. ) raise an arm and wave, walk forward, turn around, walk away.

Can I make a skeleton that does all of this, then apply the different objects at the first frame and have the objects stick to the skeleton? then start over with another set of objects, or same objects with different skin (that will be another set of questions maybe) and have it run trhough teh same thing?


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Re: making multiple characters with one skeleton
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2010, 04:45:38 am »

 Hi there flipper, :),
 Make your figure and then export it. (without objects) Open the exported file and rename the exported  figure.
 Save the file and close.
 Go back to original file and import the renamed figure.
 The manuevers you are talking about should be done in sequence mode. That way the sequences will work with both figures, irrelevant to what objects you have attached. (although you may need to reskin the new figure/character.).
 You can follow these same steps to make as many different characters as you want, using the same original skeleton. Just make sure you rename the exported figure before re-importing it.
 Hope that helps.
 Let's know how you go. :)


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Re: making multiple characters with one skeleton
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2010, 04:54:33 am »

EDIT: This was typed at the same time as Johnar's response, apologies for any repetition.

The process is as follows:

Object mode: Build your character.  Best to build it as a single mesh if you want joints to bend organically, separate objects for each body type if you are building a robot, insect or some other exo-skeleton-type critter.

Figure mode: Build your skeleton and attach your object(s) to it.  For organic (single mesh) objects you will need to 'skin' the object, which allows it to bend with the skeleton.  There are two methods of doing this in Anim8or, both of which are best understood by reading the manual.

Sequence mode:  Insert your figure and keyframe your motion sequences, as many as you require (eg. raise an arm and wave, walk forward, turn around, walk away).

Scene mode:  Insert your figure as a scene element, along with any background or environmental objects and effects, and apply the sequences in the required order to build your animation.

I STRONGLY urge you to give the manual a read-through and have it at the ready while you are working, there are too many possible hurdles for me to attempt to address at this early stage.  The forum will be of best use to you with specific questions, and always do a forum search first since your questions have likely already been answered in other threads.  Welcome to Anim8or and good luck.


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Re: making multiple characters with one skeleton
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2010, 10:08:27 am »

Great and thanks,

Yes the manual will become good reading, but with so many new terms it is nice to have good people, such as yourselves, point me in a direction and enlighten me as to what to look up.