lol, thanks for the compliments, and thank you neodelito VERY much for the walking gait chart, that will be VERY helpful! I already have a gallop one that I kind of made myself copying from a World Book. I used it to make my GIF avatar. by the way, where did you get that? I could use some others in the future, trot, canter, maybe an improved gallop.
Here's mine

I also used it in a Windows Movie Maker stop-motion animation I made a few months ago's kind of my little logo. "Ar an Scáth" just means "Of the Shadow" in Gaeilge (no, i'm not Irish, I just love them that much) You'd have to know me a bit better to get it all. lol
If you want to see more of my stop-motion BMP-image work, search Wildwhiskers184 on Youtube and check out the Wild Whiskers show! (it's not the best out there, but it's something, and the Bolt stuff is not mine, that was from when my friend "babysat" my account for me)
And it is DONE!!! I finished the Skeleton!! but... I need to add one last touch

You can probably guess where it's going from here...