Thanks for the comments guys

@rellik: Yes, now that you mention it, it does seem a bit off. As for the cat though, I've been getting that comment a lot. Originally though he's not supposed to have hair and that should just be the markings on his head. Perhaps I should make it blend a little more some how rather than have solid lines?
@Indian8or: They're actually just layers of polygons with a diffuse and alpha texture of grass. I just copied it and changed the angles a bit to show some depth and make it look like there's a lot more grass than just one picture. And yes I am planning to animate them. (Almost spelled that with an 8 in it XD )
Edit: I just remembered I made a walk cycle of the model I used for the Simple Machines challenge. This walk cycle was done for a presentation in my class called "Introduction to Animation". My group was to report on the silent era and animation toys. So I went ahead and built a Praxinoscope in Anim8or and used the walk cycle for the animation reflected in the mirrors. quite fun and I like how it turned out too. Although when I uploaded it to photobucket the video gets choppy for some reason. One of these days I'm getting a youtube/Vimeo account. ._.
Anyway here it is: