OMIGGGGGGG. dwsel, out of curiousity, how long have you been using Anim8or?
I've probably found Anim8or around v0.95c or v0.96a, but I have previous experience with graphics. About 10 years of learning 2D graphics and 5 years of 'more serious learning', a few years less of the same with 3D graphics, and I've been playing with graphics since I always remember...

My first 2D editor - MS Paint from Windows 3.1

and first 3D editor - Micro Lathe (installed from floppy disk added to one of the computer magazines from around 1996-1997). You can currently find this tiny app here: this out - really cool thing

Works on XP, Linux with WINE, Dosbox with Win 3.11. Probably won't work under Vista/7.
Hehe... I should have written this in 'What got you started?' thread...
Wow, this thread is full of awesomeness.
Great job, dwsel!
Thanks 3Dgeek

...another rendering in progress...