Sorry for the delay 3D Joe Wiltshire, I've been on an extended holiday, it doesn't feel that it has taken this long already since each building, each prop I model is an "new" project.
Last September I was asked by the people who run the Castle, which is in fact a mansion house built on the site of a medieval castle, if I could make something to support their planning application to rebuilt the courtyard walls which had been demolished some 100+ years ago and so I did.
The planning application was approved and last Saturday the local Earl laid the first stone of the new construction and on the fence around the works a big poster is put up explaining the work to the public and showing the current view of the castle with below an "artist's impression" of the new look, i.e. the render of my model made in Anim8or for the planning application.
The castle stands in a park open to the public and well visited.
I must say it feels good to see my work in print and it looks good too.