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Author Topic: question about selecting bones  (Read 4875 times)


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question about selecting bones
« on: July 07, 2010, 03:45:50 am »

 Hi, :),
 I've got 'what might be a bad habit' ever since i started using anim8or, and was wondering whether anyone has a quicker or easier way to do this:
 When selecting bones in scene mode, the character needs to show the bounding box before i can copy/paste the selected  keys related to those bones.
 You can't just select the figure, becoz that selects all the other bones as well.
 So, what i do is scroll up or down the time-line  until, in the left margin, i find a morph target, or the position or orientation, then right ckick that, and the bounding box appears , so that i can now copy/paste the keys which i've already selected.
(i usually deselect the last selection, becoz i've only selected it to make the box appear)
 I hope thats clear. Am sure you'll let me know if it isn't. ;)

 Does anyone have another way of doing this?.

 BTW. (sort've related). Wouldn't it be cool if you could drag, (reposition), things up and down in the left margin of the timeline.? :)