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Author Topic: ShipMaker3D Demo  (Read 9463 times)


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ShipMaker3D Demo
« on: June 21, 2010, 06:33:14 am »

I'm working on a software, which can generate automatically the 3D ship models for the Anim8or.

The software works this way:
First you can enter geometrical parameters of the ship's hull, you can add the superstructures as well, and at last - add a specific elements of the ship (guns, other weapons, radars, boats, etc.)

Working on a hypothetical post WWII modified cruiser:

First try of the Koni class frigate

After finishing the design, you can simply hit "Export to 3D" button and Animator ASL-script will be generated. You then simply can run the script in the Anim8or and your ship will be created for render or additional "by hand" modifying.

You can test the demo by yourself by getting the archive from this post.
Simply unarchive the demo, preserving archive subdirectories and no other install is needed.
The archive includes saved both ships you seen in screenshots. To load them, use "Load ship" menu and choose a .sm3 file from "Saved Ships" directory.
YOU WILL NEED MICROSOFT .NET FRAMEWORK INSTALLED ON YOUR PC TO RUN THE SOFTWARE! If you dont have one, download and install it from the microsoft site.

Because this is a demo, it still not included various bow and stern shapes, it is limited to few superstructure shapes and few items too. This will be change during the continuous work on the software.

The good news is that additional items can be added by everyone.
I'm still not wrote the manual, but will explain with a few words how it can be done:

1. Install "Expost to script" plugin in the anim8or. Plugin is located in "tools" directory in the archive.
2. Draw or get somewhere 3D model of the gun/system. It can be centered about coordinate axises, and it can match the scale 1 anim8or unit = 1 meter
3. Select the 3D model and export it to *.txt
4. Open the "Resources/Items" directory and place the exported file there.
5. Create a *.cfg text file with the same name. You can use the existing .cfg file to see what it contains, it is easy to understand.
6. Draw the left right and top 2D views of the item in scale 2 pixel = 1 feet. Put the pictires in the Item directory and name them <item name>_picR.<ext>, <item name>_picL.<ext> <item name>_picTL.<ext> and <item name>_picTR.<ext>.
The <ext> - extension of the file may be PNG, BMP or GIF. The white color (255, 255, 255) will be drawn as fully opaque. Do not use JPG, it is possible, but compression will damage da opaque color.

What is next:
The work is far away from completion so in future versions you can see:
-Different bow and stern shapes, deck curves(partially done, but interface not implemented)
-Age filter for systems - if you activate it, you will be unable to place modern missiles on ironclad, for example.
- Item and superstructure highlighting for easier design.
- Materials will be imported in objects.
- Calculated hull shape for different box coefficients - the shape of the hull will be more "Fat" or "slim", depending of your choice.
-Lots of items and weapon systems.

So this is it. If you have any questions or suggestions i will be glad to answer.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 06:50:58 am by NickD »


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Re: ShipMaker3D Demo
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2010, 07:04:21 am »

sounds awesome!I'll try it out!!


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Re: ShipMaker3D Demo
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2010, 01:23:12 pm »

Old thread, I know, but still... EPICSAUCE!


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Re: ShipMaker3D Demo
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2010, 04:49:04 am »

Lets try it!And by the way.....arent you hungarian?


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Re: ShipMaker3D Demo
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2010, 05:40:14 am »

Nice ships. I think a little water wouldn't hurt. hehe... Try to add backgrounds so that it would look more interesting :)