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Author Topic: Feature Suggestions for Figures  (Read 8932 times)


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Feature Suggestions for Figures
« on: April 02, 2011, 02:02:57 pm »

1. Bone-Splitting: I think that just in case someone has figured out that they want to skin a bone or has just found out how to skin a bone, but only has one bone and too many bone descendants, that bone can be split to make it into more bones. For example, a bone of a 10.000 length can be split into two bones of 5.000 lengths, three bones of 3.333 length, or four bones of 2.500 length.

2. Visibility Keys: Sometimes there are bones or objects in front of others, causing the ones in the back to go unselected. Even though there's a hide option for objects, there should be a visibility tool or key for bones. For example, a person might be in Camera View and want to select the eye bone, but the bone for the glasses could be in the way. That person can click on the glasses bone and press a key to hide it (I'm thinking the letter 'i'), select the eye bone, do what needs to be done, and then press the letter 'v' to undo the last invisibility that was made (In this case, the glasses bone). If someone wants to undo all of the invisibilities, they can go to the edit menu and click "Show All".
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 11:11:27 pm by MikeslyMontague »


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Re: Feature Suggestions for Figures
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2011, 02:45:10 pm »

It might not be perfect but figure exporting and importing is possible in anim8or, the only drawback is you can only export and import from and too anim8or and not between programs. In figure mode just click figure>Export then make sure the file type is set as .an8 otherwise it doesn't work properly (same with sequences).
As for bone splitting and toggling bone visibility both of those would be quite useful. I think it would be possible to achieve bone splitting if you felt compelled to edit the txt version of your file but i've never tried it myself.


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Re: Feature Suggestions for Figures
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2011, 02:55:07 pm »

It might not be perfect but figure exporting and importing is possible in anim8or, the only drawback is you can only export and import from and too anim8or and not between programs. In figure mode just click figure>Export then make sure the file type is set as .an8 otherwise it doesn't work properly (same with sequences).
As for bone splitting and toggling bone visibility both of those would be quite useful. I think it would be possible to achieve bone splitting if you felt compelled to edit the txt version of your file but i've never tried it myself.

Does it import back as a figure or sequence instead of an object?


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Re: Feature Suggestions for Figures
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2011, 05:47:36 pm »

As long as you export it as a .an8 it will import back as a figure or a sequence, otherwise it won't.


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Re: Feature Suggestions for Figures
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2011, 11:10:39 pm »

Oh!!! You know, now that you mention it, that suggestion has always been in my mind ever since I actually didn't know how to export and import figures, but recently last year around Christmas, I found out that I had to export it as an .an8 file, and you get to choose which of the figures in the file to copy, too! This will just be two suggestions for figures, then.