Well, this whole project is quite vast, and more than anything I'm doing it not necessarily meaning for it to come to full fruition, but thinking on how great it would be if even parts of it could be put into action in animation.
I reviewed the first couple of pages and realize now that I really didn't explain much about this whole thing, except the very beginning of the storyline, sooooo... I'll throw some more out here for folks to chew on.
Referring back to the first message that explains the beginning....
"Our hero" finds himself returning to the "dream" when ever he sleeps or sits idle for awhile, undisturbed in his world... Early on he sees a reflection of himself when exploring the space station (called "Project Asteroid"), and sees himself wearing the rather goofy, but all-too-real space suit portrayed as "Corporal Cosmic" in the comic book and strange black-n-white commercial that seems to air itself quite a lot on his television.
Exploring the space station, "our hero" discovers The station is built into an asteroid either orbiting one of the gas giants of our solar system, or within the asteroid belt. It has the appearance of being recently re-activated after decades of abandonment, what with calendar and clock-equipment not yet repaired/reactivatged having been stopped at some point in the 1960s. As the main character finds notes, files, and other clues, he discovers that there really was a Terran Space Force that was established to defend the Earth against alien incursions and invasions.
The main character discovers that his grandfather (recently deceased) was the last survivor from the Terran Space Force, who had managed to start working on re-activating "Project Asteroid", with information indicating that an alien invasion is eminent, and that an alien base dedicated to the invasion is nearly complete, orbiting Earth on the far side of the moon.
Notes, clues and such reveal that mankind has had numerous encounters with life from space over the centuries... "Our hero" discovers that science fiction/fantasy stories such as H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" really did occur. In fact, that event was the last major attempt at alien invasion, after which the world's nations used the alien technology left behind to create the Terran Space Force in the 1940s. Further, while the "League of Nations" worked together to form a coalition of nations to protect Earth, other nations had their own plans - Nazi Germany, etc. There are several extremely intriguing and strange storyline ideas tied into Nazi Germany alone.
But why does mankind have no recollection of such things as being real? Well, with the development of radio, and moreso, television, humans have "forgotten" the truth about such things because signals have been broadcast subliminally to brainwash people over time to remember a "different history" (meaning the history we know of today). Subtle influences by alien meddlings have turned humans away from space exploration as it "really" occurred, and efforts to end nuclear weapons, etc., are all part of weakening humankind for the planned invasion.