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Author Topic: UVMapping help: Solved  (Read 8318 times)


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UVMapping help: Solved
« on: March 08, 2008, 05:45:15 am »

This may not be directly related to Anim8or but:
I have managed to get a small part of my model into UVMapper. Then save it as a .bmp and open it with Photoshop to add textures and weather the model.
Firstly the paint bucket (fill) tool isn't compatable with the model and the air brush won't give a feathered edge.
What the heck can I do to solve it?

Solved it myself thanks
In Photoshop Image>Mode>RGB Colour
Simple. ;D
« Last Edit: March 15, 2008, 08:30:10 am by falloffalot »